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Stellaris Best Policies

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  1. Stellaris Best Policies Reviews
  2. Stellaris Best Policies Meaning
  3. Stellaris Living Standards

Trade Hub module constructed on it. A Starbase can only extract and receive Trade Value if it has at least one such module constructed on it. Each Trade Hub module will extend a Starbase's Trade Value extraction range by one hyperlane jump, up to a maximum of 6 hyperlane jumps for a max-level starbase with nothing but Trade Hub modules on it. If the Starbase's extraction range reaches a source.

Stellar Policies (new policies and edicts) For Stellaris

This mod aims at making more social features into the game, such as new policies and edicts. It adds new policies, edicts, technologies, buildings and ressources. Be careful at which policies you take, as they can have big inpacts on certain types of population ethics.

  • Stellaris is not a perfect game, but it is one that is ever improving. It is far better now than it was two years ago, and I believe it can be even better.
  • Food policy option missing. Ask questions and/or talk about the 4X grand strategy game Stellaris by Paradox Development Studio.
  • Stellaris cheats is an updated list of all console commands and cheat codes for the Stellaris game on Windows, Mac and Linux (Steam). Hover over a cheat to see argument explanation and more help. Click the 'Card View' button to view all commands in an easier-to-read format.

Nebulosity 4 4 12. -7 new policies
-11 new edicts
-13 new technologies
-3 new buildings
-1 new resource

-english and french localisations

If you find any bug, unbalance, typos or mistakes, please report them to me.
If you have any idea or suggestion, I'd be happy to hear them out
If you want to help me, you can create new gfx and make translations.

Please like my mod and have fun!

This article has been verified for the current PC version (2.7) of the game.
Humanoid civilization in Early Space Age

Adobe photoshop cc 2019 v20 0. There are two types of pre-FTL species in the game: primitive civilizations and pre-sapient species.

Primitive civilizations are civilizations that have yet to develop the technology necessary for interstellar space travel. They advance through multiple ages as their history is written. Primitive civilizations can become full-fledged interstellar empires if they are technologically enlightened by another spacefaring empire and can either be incorporated into said empire or given independence. If left alone, however, primitive civilizations will develop on their own and may eventually become spacefaring themselves, at which point they become a regular empire. Primitive civilizations can be made plentiful or outright disabled via the galaxy generation options.

Pre-sapient species are animal species that show particular promise. They would likely evolve some degree and manner of intelligence on their own if they were left alone for a few million years, but spacefaring empires can accelerate this process, turning the pre-sapients into productive galactic citizens within the span of just a few decades.[1]

  • 1Primitive civilizations
  • 2Pre-sapient species

Primitive civilizations[edit]

Primitive civilizations exist in various ages of development they slowly go through.

AgeMonthly progressEnlightenment timeBuildingsJobsArmiesGovernmentDescription
Stone Age
0.1%1000 Months (83.3 Years) 1 Crude Huts4 Hunter-GatherersNo armyTribal SocietyThis civilization is currently in the equivalent of a Stone Age. They have mastered fire and developed a rudimentary spoken language, but we have yet to see any evidence of metallurgy or written communication.
Bronze Age
0.2%500 Months (41.6 Years)
  • 1 Stone Palaces
  • 1 Primitive Dwellings
1 Feudal Noble
1 Cleric
1 Scholar
1 Warrior
4 Peasants
3 primitive armiesTribal SocietyThis civilization is currently in the equivalent of a Bronze Age. Primitive metalworking and the first written languages have appeared, while cities and larger communities are taking shape.
Iron Age
0.3%334 Months (27.8 Years)
  • 1 Stone Palaces
  • 1 Primitive Dwellings
1 Feudal Noble
1 Cleric
1 Scholar
1 Warrior
5 Peasants
3 primitive armiesFeudal RealmsThis civilization is currently in the equivalent of an Iron Age. They have spread across most of their homeworld, while iron smelting and forging techniques have enabled them to forge crude but effective tools and weaponry.
Late Medieval Age
0.4%250 Months (20.8 Years)
  • 1 Stone Palaces
  • 2 Primitive Dwellings
1 Feudal Noble
1 Cleric
1 Scholar
1 Warrior
5 Peasants
3 primitive armiesFeudal RealmsThis civilization is currently experiencing the equivalent of a Late Medieval Age. They have a firm grasp of metallurgy, and the invention of the printing press has started to benefit the spread of knowledge.
Renaissance Age
0.5%200 Months (16.6 Years)
  • 1 Stone Palaces
  • 2 Primitive Dwellings
1 Feudal Noble
1 Cleric
1 Scholar
1 Warrior
8 Peasants
3 primitive armiesFeudal RealmsThis civilization is currently experiencing the equivalent of a Renaissance Age. Scientific knowledge is increasing at a rapid rate, and the invention of gunpowder has revolutionized warfare.
Steam Age
1%100 Months (8.3 Years)
  • 1 Stone Palaces
  • 1 Urban Dwellings
  • 1 Primitive Factory
  • 1 Primitive Mine
1 Feudal Noble
1 Cleric
1 Scholar
1 Warrior
8 Peasants
2 Miners
2 Labourers
3 primitive armiesFeudal RealmsThis civilization is currently in the equivalent of a Steam Age. The invention of the steam engine has had far-reaching effects on their society and they stand on the cusp of an industrial revolution.
Industrial Age
1.5%67 Months (5.58 Years)
  • 1 Regional Capitals
  • 1 Urban Dwellings
  • 1 Primitive Factory
  • 1 Primitive Mine
  • 1 Primitive Power Plant
  • 1 Primitive Farms if not Lithoid
2 Bureaucrats
2 Priests
2 Researchers
2 Soldiers
2 Miners
2 Labourers
2 Technicians
8 Farmers if not Lithoid
6 industrial armiesFragmented Nation StatesThis civilization has advanced into the equivalent of an early Industrial Age. Electricity and internal combustion engines are gradually coming into widespread use, while urbanization increases at a rapid pace.
Machine Age
2%50 Months (4.16 Years)
  • 1 Regional Capitals
  • 1 Urban Dwellings
  • 1 Primitive Factory
  • 1 Primitive Mine
  • 1 Primitive Power Plant
  • 1 Primitive Farms if not Lithoid
2 Bureaucrats
2 Priests
2 Researchers
2 Soldiers
2 Miners
2 Labourers
2 Technicians
10 Farmers if not Lithoid
6 industrial armiesFragmented Nation StatesThis civilization has advanced into the equivalent of a Machine Age, considered a later part of the Industrial Age. Their factories are mass-producing goods and vehicles, and air travel is becoming commonplace.
Atomic Age
2.5%40 Months (3.3 Years)
  • 1 Regional Capitals
  • 1 Urban Dwellings
  • 1 Primitive Factory
  • 1 Primitive Mine
  • 1 Primitive Power Plant
  • 1 Primitive Farms if not Lithoid
2 Bureaucrats
2 Priests
2 Researchers
2 Soldiers
2 Miners
2 Labourers
2 Technicians
2 Unemployed
10 Farmers if not Lithoid
6 post-atomic armiesFragmented Nation StatesThis civilization has advanced into the equivalent of an Atomic Age. They have harnessed the power of the atom, but not yet made it into space. Nuclear weapons may be prolific, and could result in a sudden extinction event.
Early Space Age
2.5%40 Months (3.3 Years)
  • 1 Regional Capitals
  • 1 Urban Dwellings
  • 1 Primitive Factory
  • 1 Primitive Mine
  • 1 Primitive Power Plant
  • 1 Primitive Farms if not Lithoid
2 Bureaucrats
2 Priests
2 Researchers
2 Soldiers
2 Miners
2 Labourers
2 Technicians
2 Unemployed
10 Farmers if not Lithoid
6 post-atomic armiesFragmented Nation StatesThis civilization has entered an Early Space Age. Primitive satellites are orbiting their homeworld, and the first manned space missions have been concluded in low orbit. They will soon be ready to leave their world.

Early Space Age primitive civilizations have a space station in orbit above their homeworld. However said station cannot detect ships.

Native Advancement[edit]

Humanoid civilization advancing through the ages

Primitive civilizations can advance through ages by themselves as their history is written. The mean time for this to happen is 160 years for all advancements up to the Steam Age, and 100 years for all advancements after that. There is a minimum cooldown of 60 years after advancing ages before further advances are possible. Having an observation post built will notify you of every age advancement.

FTL Discovery[edit]

Stellaris Best Policies Reviews

Early Space Age civilizations that don't have an observation post built in orbit will eventually develop basic hyperdrives, turning them into a normal empire. If a Starbase was built around the star the new empire will ask the owner for control of it. Should the request be accepted they will be granted control of the Starbase and all colonized planets in the system and gain a temporary +100 Opinion towards the former owner. If the request is refused the civilization will be annexed. Annexing the civilization will cost 200 Influence if Xenophile or Fanatic Xenophile while granting it control of the system will cost 200 Influence if Xenophobe or Fanatic Xenophobe. Genocidal empires only have the option to annex the civilization.

There is no catch-up mechanism for these empires. Unless they advance very early in the game, they will likely be quickly conquered or turned into a Protectorate, especially as a Primitive civilization cannot develop FTL in the first 25 years of a game.

Nuclear War[edit]

Atomic Age and Early Space Age primitives have a small chance of starting a nuclear war. This can happen randomly but can also occur as a result of failed Covert Infiltration although those wars can be prevented via an intervention through a special event. Should a nuclear war happen the primitive civilization will be destroyed and the planet will turn into either a Tomb World or a Toxic World. Empires with an observation post is in orbit will be notified of the event.

Nuclear wars are 10 times less likely to happen during Early Space Age. The primitive civilizations in the Sanctuary system cannot start a nuclear war.

Note: A primitive civilization's ethics have no effect on their history and progress. A spiritualist civilization advances just as fast as a materialist one and a pacifist civilization is just as likely to start a nuclear war as a militarist one.


Primitive civilizations can always be invaded and conquered as long as their system has been claimed and the Native Interference policy is set to Unrestricted. Primitive civilizations have no means to resist a technologically superior invader, although Industrial and especially Post-Atomic civilizations can be harder to conquer early game. The prize one can obtain from an invasion is the planet itself, any and all resources and buildings on it along with the primitives that can be used as a source of cheap labor once enslaved or integrated as citizens.


Stellaris Best Policies Meaning

Conquered worlds will get the Stellar Culture Shock modifier for 10 years, which locks out the former primitive pops from using colony ships, joining Factions or being released as a Vassal. It also brings -20% Stability, -33% Resources from Jobs, and -50% Empire Sprawl from Pops. This modifier can be avoided if the primitive pops are resettled.

A Neutron Sweep or Nanobot Diffuser can be used on a primitive world instead of conquest but will generate a temporary -40 Opinion from every other empire.

Observation missions[edit]

Instagram grid layout. Empires might prefer the construction of hidden Observation Posts in high orbit over primitive worlds. This allows for the safe study and, if one so desires, influencing the primitive civilization. Observation posts typically have a number of exclusive missions that can be undertaken. Each mission can trigger various events.

MissionEffectsNuclear war chanceRequirements
Passive Observation
  • +8 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was not passed
  • +12 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was passed
  • +2 Consumer Goods if the Galactic Commerce Resolution 3 was passed
Aggressive Observation
  • +10 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was not passed
  • +16 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was passed
  • +8 Consumer Goods if the Galactic Commerce Resolution 3 was passed
  • Can shift civilization Ethics towards Spiritualist or Xenophobe
+25%Active Study or Unrestricted Native Interference Policy
Technological Enlightenment
  • -5 Society Research
  • -10 Energy
  • When the mission is complete, the civilization will become an empire.
  • The civilization will be given full ownership of their home system and everything in it
  • The civilization will have a temporary +100 Opinion
  • The observation post will be dismantled after the completion of the enlightenment
  • If the enlightening empire is not a Subject the civilization will become their Protectorate and can be integrated after 10 years has passed.
  • Inward Perfection empires cannot have protectorates and their enlightened primitives will become a Tributary instead.
  • The following events can take place after more than 20% progress has been made and any of the requirements is met by the primitive civilization:
Fanatic Xenophile+70% mission progress
  • Xenophile
  • Quick Learners
  • Natural Engineers
  • Natural Physicists
  • Natural Sociologists
  • Intelligent
+20% mission progress
Fanatic Xenophobe-70% mission progress
  • Xenophobe
  • Slow Learners
  • Repugnant
  • Opposing ethics
-20% mission progress
NoneCivilization shifts ethics towards Xenophile
NoneCivilization shifts ethics towards the benefactor's
  • Allowed Native Enlightenment Policy
  • Civilization is not Fanatic Xenophobe
Covert Infiltration
  • -10 Energy
  • -5 Society Research
  • +4 Consumer Goods if the Galactic Commerce Resolution 3 was passed
  • When the mission is complete the civilization will be annexed and receive a temporary happiness boost
  • Gene Tailoring technology
  • Active Study or Unrestricted Native Interference Policy
  • Civilization reached at least Industrial Age
  • Not Genocidal
  • -3 Energy
  • +10 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was not passed
  • +14 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was passed
  • Slowly shifts the civilization's ethics towards your empire ethics
  • Utopia
  • Active Study or Unrestricted Native Interference Policy
  • Not Gestalt Consciousness
Stellaris Best Policies

Stellaris Best Policies Meaning

Conquered worlds will get the Stellar Culture Shock modifier for 10 years, which locks out the former primitive pops from using colony ships, joining Factions or being released as a Vassal. It also brings -20% Stability, -33% Resources from Jobs, and -50% Empire Sprawl from Pops. This modifier can be avoided if the primitive pops are resettled.

A Neutron Sweep or Nanobot Diffuser can be used on a primitive world instead of conquest but will generate a temporary -40 Opinion from every other empire.

Observation missions[edit]

Instagram grid layout. Empires might prefer the construction of hidden Observation Posts in high orbit over primitive worlds. This allows for the safe study and, if one so desires, influencing the primitive civilization. Observation posts typically have a number of exclusive missions that can be undertaken. Each mission can trigger various events.

MissionEffectsNuclear war chanceRequirements
Passive Observation
  • +8 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was not passed
  • +12 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was passed
  • +2 Consumer Goods if the Galactic Commerce Resolution 3 was passed
Aggressive Observation
  • +10 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was not passed
  • +16 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was passed
  • +8 Consumer Goods if the Galactic Commerce Resolution 3 was passed
  • Can shift civilization Ethics towards Spiritualist or Xenophobe
+25%Active Study or Unrestricted Native Interference Policy
Technological Enlightenment
  • -5 Society Research
  • -10 Energy
  • When the mission is complete, the civilization will become an empire.
  • The civilization will be given full ownership of their home system and everything in it
  • The civilization will have a temporary +100 Opinion
  • The observation post will be dismantled after the completion of the enlightenment
  • If the enlightening empire is not a Subject the civilization will become their Protectorate and can be integrated after 10 years has passed.
  • Inward Perfection empires cannot have protectorates and their enlightened primitives will become a Tributary instead.
  • The following events can take place after more than 20% progress has been made and any of the requirements is met by the primitive civilization:
Fanatic Xenophile+70% mission progress
  • Xenophile
  • Quick Learners
  • Natural Engineers
  • Natural Physicists
  • Natural Sociologists
  • Intelligent
+20% mission progress
Fanatic Xenophobe-70% mission progress
  • Xenophobe
  • Slow Learners
  • Repugnant
  • Opposing ethics
-20% mission progress
NoneCivilization shifts ethics towards Xenophile
NoneCivilization shifts ethics towards the benefactor's
  • Allowed Native Enlightenment Policy
  • Civilization is not Fanatic Xenophobe
Covert Infiltration
  • -10 Energy
  • -5 Society Research
  • +4 Consumer Goods if the Galactic Commerce Resolution 3 was passed
  • When the mission is complete the civilization will be annexed and receive a temporary happiness boost
  • Gene Tailoring technology
  • Active Study or Unrestricted Native Interference Policy
  • Civilization reached at least Industrial Age
  • Not Genocidal
  • -3 Energy
  • +10 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was not passed
  • +14 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was passed
  • Slowly shifts the civilization's ethics towards your empire ethics
  • Utopia
  • Active Study or Unrestricted Native Interference Policy
  • Not Gestalt Consciousness

Pre-sapient species[edit]

Pre-sapient species can be discovered on each planet type after investigating certain anomalies. Genocidal empires cannot discover them through anomalies but can encounter those discovered by other empires.

As opposed to primitives, planets of pre-sapient species can be colonized. The pre-sapient pops do not require either Housing or Amenities. The Pre-Sapients policy determines their status. Unlike sapient species, pre-sapients can be purged without diplomatic repercussions from any empire.


For pre-sapient species the option to create templates is replaced with the option to Uplift them. The planet must be colonized and within the player empire's borders. Uplifting a species requires the Epigenetic Triggers technology and costs 3000 society Research. Uplifted species become part of the empire that uplifted them and get a +10% happiness bonus when inhabiting that empire's planets due to getting the Uplifted trait. Finishing an uplift also grants 500 influence.

When an uplift is complete, the pre-sapient species receive the default species rights according to the host empire, even if it is displacement from their own home. Most uplift processes tend to be rocky (70% chance of -5% planet mineral output).

Unlike primitive civilizations, pre-sapients will never advance to sapients on their own in-game.


  1. Dev Diary #14 - Uplifting and Subspecies
GovernanceEmpire • Ethics • Government • Civics • Policies • Edicts • Leader • Factions • Population • Species rights • Economy • Technology • Traditions • Crime

Stellaris Living Standards

ExplorationExploration • Map • Species • Anomaly • Events • FTL • Fallen empire • Pre-FTL species • Precursors • Spaceborne aliens
ColonizationColonization • Celestial body • Planetary features • Planetary management • Districts • Buildings • Ship • Starbase • Megastructures
DiplomacyDiplomacy • Trade • Subject empire • Federations • Galactic community • AI personalities
WarfareWarfare • Space warfare • Land warfare • Ship designer
OthersTraits • Terraforming • Pop modification • Slavery • Crisis • Preset empires • AI players • Easter eggs
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